Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm An Uncle, Y'all!

I've been called many things. A "terrific breakdancer", a "believer in unicorns" and "a lame blogger" being among the most common. But one title I've never had was "World's Greatest Uncle." Until this past weekend.

William Kent Thurber was born wicked early in the morning this past Sunday in NashVegas. Coming into the world at 6lbs 10 oz. and 19 inches long, he was descibed as "perfect" by friends, family and medical professionals alike. He was born at the same hospital that Nicole Kidman was having her baby, but I assure you all the papparazzi were there for pictures of Will, not her baby.

Speaking of pictures, it sure would have been nice to post a picture of Will here wouldn't it? Somehow my lame sister has been "too busy" doing stuff like "feeding round the clock" and "not sleeping" to send me one. Whatever. I'll be going to Nashville this weekend to meet Will, get pictures and, of course, establish myself as "The World's Greatest Uncle."

Sure, I've got two awesome kids of my own. But being an Uncle opens a whole new world of possibilites that aren't available to them. That's because I won't be shackled by the concepts of "discipline" or "responsibility" or "raising kids that turn into law-abiding citizens." Oh no. With Will, I will get to be the cool Uncle that exposes him to all the fun, dangerous, and highly-flammable stuff, then leave it to my sister to clean up the mess.

Bring him illegal fireworks every time I visit? Check. Give him his own drum kit for his 2 year old birthday present? Definitely. Encourage him to re-enact Eval Kneivel's disastorous attempt to jump the Snake River? It's a done deal.

But how do I know that I'll be "The World's Greatest Uncle?" Please. Who's going to top me? Uncle Craker? Uncle Buck? The Man from U.N.C.L.E.? Those guys are good, but they don't stand a chance.

Welcome Will! Congrats Kayro + Tim!!!

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