Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Anne Rice on Faith

Anne Rice is the best-selling author of 27 books, including "The Vampire Chronicles" and "Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt."
Here is an interesting column where she discusses her trust in the Lord.

Rice, after becoming a Christian a few years back, began writing a fictional series based on the life of Christ rather than continue writing the vampire novels she became known for. She makes some fantastic points in this article. I found this one especially profound:

"Don’t ever succumb to the fear that evil is winning in this world, no matter how bad things may appear. Don’t ever succumb to the fear that He does not witness our struggles, that He is not with every single soul."

An excellent point to remember in these days of endless wars, skyrocketting costs of living, and a culture built on consumerism and cynicism.

You can read an excerpt of her latest book, "Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana" here.

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