Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Do Anything Other than Nothing

I was reading the new issue of Relevant magazine yesterday (which, by the way if you haven't checked it out it is a MUST read!) when I came across a brilliant quote from the always brilliant musician Ben Harper.

Do Anything Other than Nothing.

He says that in this day and age, we often are told by others (or ourselves) that we have to do it all. We have to be it all. If we say no to some social event or to someone's request of our time, that we are somehow not measuring up.

It's a big, fat lie.

He adds that it's not like we have to do everything - but that doesn't excuse us from doing SOMETHING. It's so easy to feel overwhelmed by all that could be done that we freeze up and don't do a thing. So no matter how big the personal Everest is we're facing, let's do like Ben suggests and do something. It beats nothing.


Marc Gamble said...

I love Relevant Magazine. I have been reading it since Jack King came to Church Street and recommended it. I just signed up for a new three year subscription.

I told Darla the other night that Relevant, along with Sojourners, as magazines are making great strides at reshaping so much of what I think about as important.

anyway...I am rambling.

Marc Gamble said...

I love Relevant, and Sojourners, both are influential magazines in my life.

lance mccluskey said...

I couldn't agree more. Relevant Rocks!!!