Friday, April 23, 2010

The Kindness of Strangers...and Gators

It's been two months now since I lost my job. Still no firm offer of full-time work. But in many ways I feel more hopeful about the situation than ever. That feeling has little to do with my new job opportunities, which frankly don't always seem that promising. It comes rather from the overwhelming kindness of strangers, friends and family.

Like the great Ben Harper sings, "You can be rich, and not have a dime."

This feeling comes from the countless job leads and prayers from those who know my situation.

It comes from cards in the mail from anonymous senders that contain gift cards for groceries.

It comes from a brother who loads up a Panera gift card for me because he knows I'll be spending a lot of time there.

It comes from my parents who tell me not to worry if I can't make my mortgage.

It comes from a Sunday School class full of people who spring into action the moment I sent an email saying I needed help.

It comes from my brotherhood of basketballers, who help me clear my mind on the court, and lift me up off of it.

It comes from one of my sisters, who is working two jobs as a single mom and still sends me a gift card for groceries.

It comes from my other sister who did the exact same thing.

It comes from a good friend, who's only discernible character flaw is his love of the Florida Gators. He and his wife not only gave us a gift card for groceries, but a portion of their tax refund.

Did I mention that he was a Florida Gator? And it's not Tim Tebow.

When you have a die-hard Gator lifting up a die-hard Vol like myself, why wouldn't I feel good about this whole thing working out?

God bless you all.

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