Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Words fail. God won't.

Romans 8:26 (New International Version)

26In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

I never really understood this verse until recently. But the stress of life these days has gotten me to a point where now I get it. In my prayer life, I have always given God a pretty good idea of things I want. "Heal this ankle injury from basketball", "I need a door open on a better job", "Please, no swine flu!"

This arrangement has always worked for me. I tell God what I want. He comes through.

But dealing with the rapid decline of my father in law's health has shaken that arrangement up. Because I've given God a very detailed list of things that I want to happen. "Please help him get better.", "Please help my wife have less stress", "Please let our life go back to normal"

But it would be wrong to say those prayers haven't been answered. They just haven't been answered the way I want them to be. It's been hard to watch a strong, great man of God go from being able to put out a giant garden last year, to not having the strength to stand up, feed himself or use the bathroom on his own.

In this process, I've been frustrated and mad that God "wasn't coming through for me." It's taken me and my wife and our little family unit to the ends of our collective ropes. But in the process, somehow my prayers have become less about me and more about what God really wants to happen. There's been times when I honestly have no idea what to pray for. Not mine, but thine, so to speak. And it's in those moments of our brokenness, where God does his best work.

The stars shine brightest just before dawn, to quote the great Johnny Cash.

Oh, and while I've been busy thinking God wasn't coming through, He's been busy coming through. Through a neighbor who is also a nurse to help with my father-in-law's care. Through friends who are bringing by food and helping with our kids. Through a family who helps lift the burden by doing everything from helping with kids to replacing broken appliances. Through friends who simply ask how we're holding up before we shoot hoops or drink a beer.

It all just goes to show how sometimes the best way He answers our prayers is when we have no idea what to say.

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