Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I just got an e-newsletter that had this classic opening line:

"We should have a "refresh" button for everything: a bitter coworker, a lame bar scene, the National Hockey League. Just a click or two would give us instant improvement."

How awesome would that be? It'd be like those great Staples "Easy Button" commercials. Only any time we need to refresh, just click the button and your good.

But the more I thought about it, I believe we have something better. In Jesus, we have someone that knows all about our past, but loves us anyway. What's even more mind blowing to me is that he knows all about the ways we will fail him in the future, and he loves us anyway. His disciple, and close friend, Peter, looked him in the eye three times and promised he'd never let him down. Jesus knew better. Within 24 hours Peter would deny Jesus three times and skip town in an attempt to forget it ever happened. Yet, Jesus never gave up on Peter. How refreshing is it to know that our limits are no limit to God?

Our failures and frailties are nothing to the one who created the Universe. All he asks is that we love him and those he created with all we've got. Do that, and we naturally start becoming the type of person he created us to be.

Which is like having access to the ultimate "refresh" button.

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