Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Recently, I've had this thought that there are basically two types of people in the work place: those who are only happy when it's Friday (TGIFers) and those who are happy every day (TGIEDers). Don't get me wrong, I certainly appreciate Fridays as much as the next guy or gal, but why be in a sour, miserable mood the other four days of the work week? That's 4/5ths of your life wasted being in a bad mood because it's not Friday! Inevitably, these are the same people that's only comment about the weekend on Monday was that "it went by too fast."

Now, with all apologies to these guys, I've been guilty of, "working for the weekend" too many times. But these days I'm really trying to be present and thankful for the moment. Whether that moment is Tuesday at 3:27 and I have a mountain of stuff to get done or Friday at 5:00 and the weekend is just kicking off. I want to be a TGIEDer.

Carpe Diem, y'all...Every Day...not just Friday!

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