Monday, March 2, 2009

The Come to Jesus Meeting

Recently I've been noticing some really glaring examples of how our culture misses the mark on what Jesus, and being a Christian, is all about. (I'm talking to you, Ned Flanders). Guess that's to be expected. It's only been that way for 2,000+ years. But I digress.

The thing that's annoyed me lately is the (mis)use of the phrase "'s time for a come to Jesus meeting." This has popped up several times for me in conversation over the past few weeks. Granted, always in a business setting, but revealing, nonetheless.

When someone calls for "a come to Jesus" meeting, it usually means one of a few things:

• A vendor has dropped the ball and we are going to rip them a new one and demand that justice is served (i.e. we get our way).

• An fellow employee has dropped the ball and we are going to point out the error(s) of their way, tell them to get their stuff together and make sure everyone in the office knows they are now on a short leash.

• Some random person that I don't really know has in some way offended me and I'm going to let them have it, consequences be damned.

Now, I'm not sure what Gospel some of these people were reading, but it doesn't describe the Jesus I'm familiar with. Jesus had infinite love and compassion for those who came up short. Can you imagine the modern day, business room reaction to the woman at the well? The leper? The tax collector? Prostitutes? Adulters? Murders? Or (gasp!) children!? Yet Jesus had time for them all, no matter how poor, sick, or broken they were. Sure, Jesus had his moments of stinging rebukes (or tables to knock over). But the majority of those outbursts were aimed towards religious hypocrites that were in the business of oppressing others. Which to me sounds more like the modern approach of calling a "come to Jesus meeting."

Those who came to him found forgiveness and hope, despite of their personal failures. Now who wouldn't want to go to a meeting like that?

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