Monday, December 15, 2008

Dirty Santa Gets Dirty

I survived. But just barely.

Of all the eye-rolling holiday traditions out there, the most painful for me is the office party version of "holiday gift giving."I've heard it called "Dirty Santa", "Bad Santa" and various other dubious terms. No matter what it's called, it's ALWAYS about 180 degrees away from what a real Christmas celebration is supposed to be about.

We just finished ours, and I thought people were going to come to blows over a $20 Starbucks gift certificate. It looked like a WWF-style smackdown was going to erupt over a minature air hockey table. The most coveted gift at our party was this (bear with me) crazy antique of a locomotive, that also somehow had shot glasses and a decanteur (or "whiskey flask" for those born after the 1930s) attached to it. Absurd, I know. But I thought my otherwise mild mannered co-workers were about to go all "Lord of the Flies" over who got it. Elbows were thrown. Insults hurled. Chants from the crowd made me think that we had all reverted back to 7th grade and a fight was going to erupt in the cafeteria.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

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