Thursday, October 16, 2008

Viva La Joe the Plumber!

Hi friends,

If you are a normal reader of this here blog on the intertube, I just want to say a few things to you. One: thank you. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day avoiding doing your real job or playing online tetrus at work and reading through my often incoherent babblings. Friends,I appreciate it.

And two: And now I'm talking to you directly Joe the plumber. Earlier (in the first paragraph) I was talking more to Joe Six-pack. But now I'm talking to the other Joe. The one that's good at plumbing. Joe, you're my friend. And I just want to let you know that I'm not gonna "share the wealth" by writing for a bunch of other blogs. (Unless someone is crazy enough to actually pay me to blog. Then I may have to reconsider)

But I digress. Every day here on the blog I'm going to focus on you, Joe. (the plumber) Except maybe on the weekend, when I'll focus more on Joe (Six-pack). Cause let's face it, Joe Six-Pack knows how to have a good time.

Anyways, thank you, Joe. (both of you)

Now let's get out there and get all mavericky!

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