Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our Spiritual Bailout Plan

Like everyone, I have some thoughts on the Economic Bailout plan. (Er, sorry...."rescue package"). While my own financial knowledge is pretty basic and limited, I do learn a lot from some finanical gurus that write blogs, namely Mark Cuban and Dave Ramsey. Always good solid insights from two guys that couldn't be more different in their approaches.

But when I think of it these days, I keep coming back to the thought that the current state of affairs shows that we are in more of a spiritual crisis than an economic one. Don't get me wrong, there are MAJOR flaws in our economy, within our government and with the people to which we trust our money. But in my opinion, so much of this mess is a result of people being spiritually bankrupt, regardless of how much money is in their 401(k).

At its core, being greedy is a spiritual issue. Wasting money while people go hungry is a spiritual issue. An economic system based on borrowing money to burn fossil fuels that harms the environment is a spiritual issue.

My dad was recently telling me about an awesome sermon his preacher gave on the topic. The preacher said, "If you think about it, all of our 'security', all the money we have in the world, exists on some piece of magnetic tape on a database that we have no idea where it is." Wow. Great thought. Because as powerful as our economy (normally) is, you can't rely on it to always provide. Only God can do that. So as we listen to what the candidates, politicians and pundits are saying about how to get out of this economic crisis, let us all also tune in to what God is telling us in our hearts and through his Word about what we should be doing individually. The real answers are there.

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