Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Rob Bell in the ATL!

Wow! Seeing Rob Bell last nite on "The Gods Aren't Angry" tour in Atlanta was awesome. Inspiring. Informative. Incredible.

Even the walk into the venue was entertaining, as some "religious protesters" were outside chanting that "Rob Bell is going to hell!" and "Amy Grant commited adultery!" among other things. Um, ok guys. Glad y'all have time for this impactful service to humanity.

Anyways, Rob spoke for about 1 hour 45 minutes straight, and I was riveted the whole time. Lots of ideas to chew on that I'll blog about later. In the meantime, here's a good synopasis of what the show's all about from a blogger who caught him opening night in Chicago at the Vic Theatre.

(Spoiler alert: If you're going to see the show and you're the type that doesn't want to know how the book/movie ends...don't read the link!!)

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