Monday, May 18, 2009

Crazy Love - Part 2

I finished Crazy Love by Francis Chan over the weekend. Wow! Really great read. There are too many thoughts from it still marinating in my head to really go into now. But just wanted to say that you should definitley check out the book, the site, or both.

A big theme for me was that I am too stingy with my giving. There was this line in the book that basically said "You can either be a generous giver now, or look forward to being broke throughout Eternity."

Man, that hits close to home!

In a world where over half the population exists on less than $2 A DAY, how generous have I really been? I'm ashamed to admit, but the answer is, not much.

Another stat he had said that if you make $4,000 a month you are making more than ONE HUNDRED TIMES the average person on the planet.


It's time to do better. Through the God that has no end to His generosity.

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