Tuesday, November 24, 2009


in no particular order...

I am thankful for second chances.

I am thankful that God continues to love me even though I continue to fall for the same struggles sins, time and time again.

I am thankful for the sound of The Edge's guitar mixed with the voice of Bono.

I am thankful for the beautiful art of a perfectly run pick and roll, and that I am healthy enough to still play the sport I adore.

I am thankful that I outkicked my coverage and have been married to my beautiful wife for 13+ years now.

I am thankful for parents that took me to church and modeled what faith is about.

I am thankful for the work of contemporary Christian thought leaders like Rob Bell, Donald Miller, Mike Foster, Eugen Peterson, Timothy Keller and Francis Chan.

I am thankful for weekly a.m. coffee talks with my brother in faith and my Silas along my journey.

I am thankful for two beautiful children and what they inspire me to be.

I am thankful every time I hear Johnny Cash.

I am thankful what Bruce Pearl and Lane Kiffin are bringing to Rocky Top.

I am thankful to live in freedom in one of the most beautiful parts of the country.

I am thankful for whoever came up with the www.iamsecond.com campaign.

I am thankful every time I see Steve Nash play.

I am thankful I survived college, and the night of February 12, 1994.

I am thankful for less than I should be.

I am thankful for you, and the fact that you've read this far. Many blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving.

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